Youth are experts on their own lives and experiences.
We create quality learning environments that support youth in discovering and developing their talents, in strengthening their skills and in becoming aware of their rights and being able to claim them. This will unlock their potential to actively shape their own future and contribute to a more just and sustainable world.
Experiences with Kiyo
Learn more about how these organisation’s got empowered through their collaboration with KIYO:

Ece Cİftcİ
| Founder and Chairwoman of the SosyalBen FoundationKIYO's Lift Up organisations for youth empowerment programme guided SosyalBen Foundation on how to apply global citizenship education throughout the different stages of its fieldwork. SosyalBen Foundation carries out creative workshops with children aged 7-13 living in disadvantaged areas, to provide them with the opportunity to discover and strengthen their abilities. Thanks to KIYO’s interactive, experience-based and enabling approach on youth empowerment, SosyalBen was able to strengthen its capacities as a facilitator, adapt the learnings on global citizenship education to its local context and develop necessary tools for its Youth Capacity Empowerment Programme.

Winde Vandegaer
| Dutch teacher at Stedelijk Lyceum EilandjeAction4Rights really transformed my students: the classroom dynamics improved significantly, the students understood better what to expect from each other, their self-esteem increased, they started really listening to each other and they are better able to form opinions on social issues.
Read more about Winde Vandegaer's experience with the Action4Rights project here !

Vanessa Pletinckx
| Student Counsellor at BuSo Don Bosco HalleThanks to KIYO's experience, knowledge and ideas, we have been able to integrate children's rights even more across all school levels. Through this process, teachers have developed greater openness towards students. We encourage student participation to the maximum and if it is not possible, we explain why and what, if anything, is still possible. We are a proud School for Rights!