Our starting point is that talent is universal, but opportunity is not.
Today, too many youth are denied access to education and the labour market. Many of them are discriminated against, subjected to all kinds of violence and not given a voice in society. KIYO empowers youth to take charge of their lives and realise their talents and claim their rights to be able to contribute to a just and sustainable society.
You too can contribute to this progress. Whether by volunteering, signing petitions, taking part in events or supporting us financially. You can continue to make this impact even after you are no longer with us.
Why name KIYO in your will?
Thanks to your bequest, you will be at the heart of all these actions:
🟢 Investing in sustainable impactful solutions for youth, not short-term measures.
🟢Supporting youth centred projects around the world, in collaboration with our partners.
🟢Helping to promote quality education, decent work and active citizenship in addition to personal development of youth!
🟢Creating quality learning environments that support youth in discovering and developing their talents, in strengthening their skills and in becoming aware of their rights and being able to claim them.
🟢Encourage solidarity through information, education and volunteering.

“I came in touch with KIYO in 2011 during my visit to Rio de Janeiro. There, I met KIYO colleague Jan Daniëls, who devoted his heart and soul to the rights of children and youth from the favelas. I understood from this visit that investing in the rights of children and youth is a sustainable investment for a better future. Back in Belgium, I decided to continue to volunteer for children and youth and joined the Governance Board of KIYO. Now I support KIYO in the capacity of volunteer legacy advisor because this source of income is more than necessary to continue our important work for children and youth.”
Jan De Paepe, Legacy Advisor

Would you like to talk about it?
Our Legacy Advisor Jan is here for you. You can call him directly or send him an e-mail. If you like, he will visit you for a personal conversation. Jan has been committed to KIYO for more than 10 years, first as a board member, then as chairman of the board and now as volunteer Legacy Advisor. You can also find more information on our website.
Jan De Paepe: +32 478 45 42 81 or jan.depaepe@kiyo-ngo.be
Via mail: Joseph II straat 20, 1000 Brussels

A donation instead of flowers
When a loved one dies, your world stops for a while. Besides dealing with all the emotions, there are also all sorts of practical matters to arrange. One of these is the choice between giving flowers and wreaths or the option of making a donation.
Because a death puts things on edge, confronts you with questions you thought you would never ask. This period also makes you reflect on what is really important. It is a great comfort if the deceased lives on in some way. The meaning of our lives lies in the difference we continue to make in the lives of others.
If you choose to include a donation as text on the death card, we have the following suggestion:
In remembrance of [name], I prefer no flowers or wreaths but a donation to KIYO because standing up for the rights of children and youth was close to [name]'s heart. Thus, her/his ideals can live on and the world becomes a little better. Thank you very much.
Bank account number KIYO: BE13 4350 2585 6139