international youth empowerment approach
Youth2Youth is KIYO’s own international youth empowerment approach. KIYO empowers youth through the facilitation of a connection between youth across contexts while shaping an enabling environment for youth empowerment. It is important that youth feel safe and enabled to come out of their bubble and connect with others.
Let's connect youth together globally!

We empower youth through the understanding of their own reality and the reality of others. We invite youth to come out of their comfort zone and broaden their perspectives and knowledge. The connection does not need to be at an international level, as long as they learn about a different context.
For international exchanges, we opt for virtual connections as these are more equitable and sustainable than physical connections. We see these connections not as one-shot but part of a learning trajectory where youth really have time to get to know themselves and the other.
We facilitate meaningful exchanges around talents, rights and actions, our three areas of expertise.

We believe that talent is universal and goes beyond context and behaviour. This reflects an inclusive vision on talent, where we believe everyone has talents and not only the greatest musicians or sportsmen and -women. Each person has a unique combination of talents, however not everybody is aware and able to use them.
- contributes to shaping an enabling environment for youth empowerment as it easily connects people by valuing diversity;
- supports youth to create, identify and value positive experiences;
- nurtures their positive self-image, self confidence and self-esteem;
- leads to increased personal growth as it unlocks and further develops the potential and the inner power they already have inside;
- sharpens self-knowledge and relationships with others;
- stimulates agency and makes youth more resilient;
- increases the choices of youth;
- provides them with insight and resources on how to navigate the world.

KIYO uses a principled and practical framework for working with and for children and youth grounded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). KIYO works according to this children’s-rights-based approach in order for children and youth to become active agents in realising and enjoying their rights.
Through the Youth2Youth approach youth learn about their own rights and rights violations and those of others. They learn to respectfully advocate for them (emancipation), to advocate for the rights of others (empathy), and to understand that these rights apply to all children and youth in the world (universality). Rights awareness happens through the understanding of the reality and the experience of the other.

With our approach we want to stimulate youth engagement and agency, namely the desire and ability of youth to make decisions and drive change and volunteer for others —in their own lives, in their communities, and in their larger spheres of influence. Youth2Youth aims to create a sparkle and inspire youth to take a first step towards engagement by showing good examples, connecting them with strong role models, and imparting that even small actions can make a difference. Inspired by our vision on active global citizenship, youth can be motivated to come up with local solutions for global challenges.