KIYO opts for Co-leadership

Mélodie Arts, has been the director of KIYO since March 2019 and is delighted she will get extra support in realising KIYO’s ambition to become one of the leading Youth empowerment NGO’s. Annemie Duquet started her career at Microsoft but it did not take long for her to switch to the non-profit sector. For the past two years she has been leading the core department of Toekomst Atelier de l'Avenir (TADA) who’s mission is to empower youth in Brussels by exposing them to different professions. She will bring in strong analytical and people skills. Annemie will be managing internal operational tasks, while Mélodie will focus on external-facing responsibilities, like engaging with funders and supporters.
"Since we aspire to be a sector leader in learning and collaboration, co-leadership gives us an opportunity to model that strategy within our own organisation. I am convinced that Annemie will complement Mélodie and that together they will form a strong team."
- Jan De Paepe, Chair of the Board of KIYO
"I believe two leaders are better than one as long as they do not think the same way. One point of view is simply not enough to come up with solutions for the complex challenges that we face in our organisation and in the world at large."
-Mélodie Arts, Director of KIYO
"When I learned about KIYO it immediately stood out to me: An innovative ngo that empowers and connects youth around the world. I'm very happy to become part of the organisation and I'm eager to build out the organisation with Mélodie and the KIYO partners & team, in the collaborative spirit that KIYO is known for."
- Annemie Duquet
Please join us in welcoming Annemie in our KIYO global family!