Report a complaint

All staff, administrators, volunteers, interns and those otherwise involved with KIYO have a fundamental moral obligation to report any complaint or reasonable suspicion of a breach of integrity, whether financial or moral, or related to the safeguarding of children and youth that is directly related to the organisation, or indirectly within our programmes or through our work with partners.

To report on integrity and safeguarding complaints and incidents, fill out the form below (Feel free to fill in the frorm in the language of your convenience). Your report will be handled in confidence. KIYO does not address anonymous complaints, as it is difficult to collect all relevant information and act if no dialogue is possible.

You can find the contact information of our local Integrity focal points HERE

Reporting party information
Report on concern or incident
(what happened, when it happened, how it happened, critical factors leading to the incident, persons involved (age/sex if applicable). Be as specific as possible.
(discussion with related actor, exchange with third person, report to line manager, support from other organisation, ...):