Sabrina Labitan

Board Member
She is a student-leader advocate pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy at the University of the Visayas. Currently, she is actively involved in learning sessions that aim to articulate children’s rights, ways to prevent substance abuse, and correct information about ARH-related issues. She was the Secretary General of the Gothong High Peer Support Group, a school-based organization led by student leaders of the GHPSG̶ a group of advocates that upholds children’s rights and protection in school and the community in general. As the secretary of the group, she was mostly tasked to do on the organizations paper works, and now, as a part of the Peer Support Group Council of Elders, she has contributed to various activities that uphold the rights of the child and their protection. Most activities initiated by her group are group-guided interactions that help the children to be aware on their existing rights, the dangers of the online platform, and how to be safe from these existing perpetrators. She has also participated in various events that the Bidlisiw Foundation has organized, that showcase their skills in creativity- through the planning and preparations, together with her co-members. Equipped with training and dedication, she is willfully taking on the challenge to better advocate for the children’s safer space.