1. Spread out all or a sample of the cards with the pictures facing up.
2. Ask the participants a question and let them choose a picture that best suits them or which they associate the most with their answer.
3. Make a round of all the participants, let them show the card clearly to the others and explain why they have chosen that particular card.
During the second step, you can ask different questions depending on what you want to use the cards for specifically. For example, do you want to use the cards to get to know people better? Then use one of the icebreaker questions (listed below). Do you want to get valuable feedback during or on an activity? Then use one of the reflection questions (listed below).
Of course, you can always think of your own questions to ask with the empowerment cards! Do you have a good one that you want to share with us? Share it on social media with the hashtag #kiyoempowermentcards

What are KIYO empowerment cards?
The empowerment cards, in the form of a set of pictures, can be used in multiple ways as a source of inspiration: at the beginning of an activity as a fun icebreaker, as well as during or at the end of an activity to reflect or express an opinion.
The KIYO empowerment card set is also available for order! With the purchase of 24,2 € (BTW) you get a box of 40 cards. Interested in ordering a box of empowerment cards from KIYO? Then contact us at info@kiyo.be

Example questions
Icebreaker questions:
-Choose a card that represents how are you feeling today
-Choose a card that represents how do you feel about a [particular task, topic, ...]
-Choose a card that represents something that nobody knows here about you
-Choose a card that represents something about you as a person (e.g. hobby, passion, colour, character, ...)
Reflection questions:
-Choose a card that represents something you learned as a result of that activity
-Choose a card that represents how the group was doing during that activity
-Choose a card that represents your experience of today
-Choose a card that represents something you would like to give feedback on
-Choose a card that represents something you are taking away from this experience
-Choose a card that represents something you are going to put into practice in your daily or in your professional life
-Choose a card that reflects your comprehension of the subject at this stage